August 18, 2012

They just keep growing!!

It is hard to believe it is mid-August, and this garden is just not slowing down. 
The freezer is slowly filling with all sorts of veggies to keep us going with our own food through the winter. 

Today I did find signs of our first intruder ever. Apparently a raccoon found a way to slip past our dog, undetected. 
I trust that this will not happen again!

For planting the green beans so late, they are doing awesome.

I searched all spring for the perfect bean. 
I like the really long skinny varieties. I think I found a winner!

Lovely sunflowers. The bee's love them, too!

Blooms continue on the squash and pumpkins.

The pumpkin vine has grown up and over the tomatoes. 
I should cut it off, but I am curious how far it will go!

Dug up our first carrots of the season today. Small, but good!

Second harvest of cabbage!

Finally a perfect head of cauliflower! It is apparently doing better, in our cooler temps.

And the big attraction. . . . . My mammoth pumpkin! I am so excited to see how big it ends up!


  1. Oh my!! Your garden looks delicious!! The cauliflower and pumpkin are truly impressive! Good work!

  2. Look amazing. My garden looks so sad....all the non stop heat isn't doing it any favors. I think this year is a write-off for me :(

  3. Oh Kris! Your veggies look AMAZING!!! I am so envious of your beautiful gardens! How great it will be to be savoring these all winter long knowing you grew them yourself! That pumpkin is so cool! Is there a contest you can enter in the fall? Keep posting pics of that...I'd love to see how it develops, too! Hope you have a GREAT week. (And I loved the video of your harmonious critters!)

  4. you had good harvest. keep it up. It is so funny to see your beans with scale photo.
