June 28, 2012

Frozen Fudge Bites

Do you have that one sweet treat from your childhood that you remember as being the best treat ever?  My mom made Frozen Fudge Bars, and they were soooo very much my favorite! We didn't get them often, but we loved when she would make a batch up. She would pour 'em into the cupcake pans and go back later and placed the stick in after they had set-up for a while. Then, when they were all frozen into their fudge destiny,  for a few minutes on the hot summer days, my sister and I wouldn't be whining. We would be sitting there enjoying the fudge bars, and Mom had a few minutes of peace and quite.

I thought those Bars would be a nice refreshing treat this week since the temps and humidity are horrible. I did change 'em up a little bit, and made them in my mini-muffin pan, so they will be just a pop-able bite of chocolate fudge goodness!

They still do the trick, and get me to stop whining about the heat :)

Frozen Fudge Bites
1 pkg (4 oz.) instant chocolate pudding
2 c. milk
1/4 c. sugar
1 c. evaporated milk
Sprinkles (optional)

Mix pudding as directed on package.  Next, add sugar and evaporated milk. Mix well. Cool for 5 minutes.  

If you want to add some fun sprinkles, add them to the "mold" before you pour the pudding mixture in.  Pour pudding into paper cups, molds, or muffin pan.  Add sticks if needed.  Freeze. 

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Foodie Friends Friday

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