July 22, 2012

The Ladies

 Good Morning! 

 We are FINALLY enjoying farm fresh eggs! Two of the ladies have been laying for the past two weeks. A third lady started laying this weekend!

My mom started raising chickens this year, also. She ended up having more birds than she wanted, so we took five of hers to add to our flock. 
They are Australorp's. They are so pretty, but so timid!!!

We tried adding this Auracana Rooster to our flock, but he did not work out with our free range lifestyle. 
We had to pass him along to some friends.

So, these girls will continue to rule the roost and keep everyone in line!

Have a great week!!


  1. Lol, love the ladies.....Go Girl (hen) Power :)

  2. Now how cool is that!? Yum..fresh eggs!! I love it! And those hens are cute too! Win WIN!

  3. Wow, they are so beautiful! It's amazing how each of them look so different. I think it would be fun to raise chickens, and I love the fresh eggs!! Maybe some day. :-)

